This is a photo I took a little over a year ago for an assignment and I ended up loving it! When I look at this picture I feel energized and happy. My favorite thing about this photo is the angle. I love that it's on a diagonal which implies movement and energy. Not only is the picture itself taken on a diagonal, but it also has great diagonal lines in the shadows and horizon line. I love the intensity/brightness of this photo as well as the contrast between the dark orange dirt and the bright blue sky. The orange and blue also work well together because they are complimentary colors. When I took this photo I was laying down on my stomach, which I'm glad I did because you can see so much detail and the rough texture of the dirt. Even the composition of this photo is aesthetically pleasing in the way that your eye leads from the ball rolling to his foot, up his leg, to his face, down his arm, and back to the ball again. Overall, this photo makes me feel excited and every time I look at it I find something new I like about it!